The first annual 100 Thousand Poets for Change Tibet Awareness Event went beautifully. It was a blessing to listen to poetry by Tibetan poets Tsoltim N. Shakabpa, Tenzin Tsundue, Jigme Dorjee DAGYAP, Tsering Dhompa, and Woeser; the poets' spirits were felt deeply at the event. And it was such an incredible blessing to listen to the exquisite music by Techung, Sherap Wangmo, and Michel Tyabi. Thank you to all the readers and to everyone who came out to support us and the unity of poets and musicians worldwide. Now, to plan for next year's event! We are hoping to have the Levitt Pavilion for next year's venue. ♥ to all : )
From left to right: Radomir Luza (poet & writer), Lisa Cooper (L.A. Friends of Tibet), Marcy (L.A. Friends of Tibet), Teresa (poet, teacher, & 100TPC organizer), Sherap Wangmo Sangpo (Tibetan singer/dancer), Techung (Tibetan singer/songwriter)